Agricultural and Forestry Research Center, University of Tsukuba, has been organizing
the Tsukuba Asian Seminar on Agricultural Education(TASAE) annually since 1979.

(Tsukuba Asian Seminar on Agricultural Education)を開催しています。

  • 2008 AgESD
    2008 International Symposium on Agricultural Education for Sustainable Development
  • outline(沿革)

  • Brief Theme 2002-2007

    Theme : Application of participatory approaches to sustainable rural water resources management and environmental conservation in Asisa-Pacific countries.
    Theme : Present situation on the utilization and conservation of water resources from the global-regional points of view, and the role of agro-environmental education today.
    Theme : Present situation of the sustainable management of water resource for human survival and bioproduction, and the role of agro-environmental education today
    Theme : Present situation on the water resources supply and efficient utilization for the human survival and bioproduction, and the role of agro-environmental education
    Theme : Water resources demand and allocation associated with human survival and food production, and the role of agro-environmental education.
    Theme : Present situation on the water resources and water related disaster, and the role of agro-environmental education
  • Link

Dr. Roy Kingshuk (Nihon University, 2006TASAE) 2006TASAE (left: Dr. Sixto A. Valencia
Center: Dr. Roy Kingshuk Right: Dr. Asis Mazumdar)
Dr. Abdullah Aini (Swedish Committee for Afghanistan) Action Plans submitted for TASAE by Participants in JICA Training Course on Sustainable Management of Irrigation and Drainage Project
(Mr. Ali Ammar, Tunisia)


筑波大学 農林技術センター
担当:田島 淳史

Agricultural and Forestry Research Center,
University of Tsukuba
Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
tel&fax: +81.29.853.2755
e-mai: agesd@nourin.tsukuba.ac.jp